May Updates: The Past Year

I’m afraid I have been leaving my blog a bit quiet for the past months. If you would like updates from me as they happen, please remember you can follow me on twitter.

Since I haven’t been writing my monthly updates, here is a rundown of the past year in my world. I will be trying to add content to this blog more regularly again in the future!

▼ Battenberg

▼ Ladybird in the Garden

▼ Haunted Room

▼  Jeddie’s Luxology Holiday Image Contest 2011 Entry:Guess who uses modo?

▼ Chocolate Hearts – My second to be published in the Luxology Gallery!!

▼ Jeddie’s 601 Doodles

▼ My first Facebook ‘Timeline’ cover – made in 601

▼ Happy Easter! (Opening Egg)


▼ Singing in the Rain

All images made in modo by me; ©Jeddie Facenna June 2011 – April 2012.

Coming up: a little celebratory project for my third modoversary. 3 years since I bought modo!
