Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, all!

To get into the spooky spirit, I have this new modo render – Haunted House!

(Click image to see more on the Luxology forum.)

Unfortunately, due to my main computer going kaput last Sunday, I am unable to update my main site at the moment. So you wont see any changes there, just yet!

Hope you have a Fab Halloween, all! OooooOoooo Bwah ha ha!

Follow me on twitter for mini updates and photos.

June Updates…

Just a quick post to tell you what I’ve been doing in June.

  • Pigs Might Fly! Image & Mouse mat:

Click to see info!

^ Click to see info!

  • Ice Cream Lolly, or Ice Cream Bar, and splash:

Click for more info!

^ Click to see info!

  • Luxology Forum “Henning Challenge” entry (Work In Progress): Click to View

What Are You Looking At? WAYLA for short.

^ Click to see info!

That’s all for June! In the coming month or two I shall also update my main site, http://www.jeddie.co.uk/ with a new look! So look forward to new look site, and new images from me in the weeks to come! That’s all for now!

Scuppered Servers…

Hello JedBlog Readers! You may have noticed that the old address of the JedBlog no longer exists, but, never fear, because it is back to it’s original location! My Blog now at http://www.3dsc.facennafineart.com/jedblog/ (here), So please update bookmarks etc.

No need to resubscribe, but if you haven’t yet subscribed, but would like to, see here:  Subscribe.

Files Compromised.

Now – for the curious amongst you, The reason that the JedBlog has moved for the second time was, again, out of my control. We at the Facenna household had two servers, and my blog was on one, my site on the other. We found the whole blog server completely emptied of all of it’s contents last week. The service provider said it was foul play from a third party, and they said that the “the information has been compromised”, but I’m not sure that I believe that. At any rate, the files have gone.

However, learning from my experiences of the past, I luckily had a back up from Jan 2010, and I have successfully restored it. Please enjoy.

The interim posts have been manually reinstated, some from the feed, one painstakingly decoded from a mangled version in my cache.

Thank you for your patience, and your continued interest in the JedBlog. Hopefully it will go smoothly from now! 🙂