FACENNAMAN! A character 3D modeled and rendered by me, from my Mum’s inked line art of this character of her design. He is a mascot for my Mum’s business, Facenna Fine Art.
Thinker Tortoise is the original character I designed to be the ‘gatekeeper’ of my 2016 website redesign. He appears on my homepage, directing you to my craft or 3D work, and appears as the featured image for my 3D blog. I built this character in various versions of MODO, from 901 up to 10.0, and […]
Happy Halloween! This is what I am working on at the moment. Kinda ran out of time to finish all I wanted to. This particular render could perhaps do with some more lighting work, and maybe some pose tweaks… I’d like to do more scenes and scenarios with this latest original character of mine. 🙂
My latest image made in modo 601. A steampunky soldering iron! Been doing a little electronics work lately, and was inspired to make this by my soldering sponge. You know, the ‘christmas ornament’ brass wooly kind? This image uses volumetric point lights for the LEDs, the ‘Gear’ procedural mesh, replicators for the little pins, and […]
My latest original character in a moody rainy street. What a glorious feeling! Made and rendered in modo 601, with a little postwork in PS. See stereo image variation, too! This image at the Luxology Forums
My Timeline cover (or Timeline Topper as I like to call it), made entirely in modo 601. (Works in montage and on ‘Polaroids’ made in older versions of modo.) I made the bend in the ‘suede/leather cover’ with a bend effector (deformer), so it can be animated and changed at will, and non-destructively. Nice and […]
Just some recoil/Valentine’s Day fun. 🙂 Image completely modo. Hearts textured with procedurals and one image texture with vertical lines running across it. Heart mesh duplicated using scatter clone and arranged easily using recoil plugin. Some tweaks made with transform tools after baking the recoil cache to transform.